
Professor: Seung-Hyun Yoon

Short Biography: Seung-Hyun Yoon is a professor in the Department of Multimedia Engineering at Dongguk University. He received B.S. degree in Mathematics from Hanyang University in 2001 and Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Seoul National University in 2007. His research interests include computer graphics, geometric modeling and processing, applied geomery, virtual and augmented reality.

  • Awards
    • Graduation with Honor (2001), Department of Mathematics, Hanyang University
    • Best Teaching Professor (2009-1, 2017), College of Engineering, Dongguk University
    • Best Paper Award (GMP2018, KCC2018)
  • Professional Service
    • President (2022. 1 ~ current)
      • Korea Electroencephalogram Neurological Association
    • Vice President (2016. 9 ~ 2021. 12)
      • Korea Electroencephalogram Neurological Association
    • Editorial Board Member
      • Vice Editor-in-chief, Computer Graphics Society (2016. 1 ~ 2019. 12)
    • Journal Reviewer
      • Computer-Aided Design
      • Computer Aided Geometric Design
      • Mathematics
      • Symmetry
      • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society


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  • You
  • Ph. D.:
  • Interest: Computer Graphics, Geometry Modeling & Processing, Virtual/Augmented Reality
  • E-mail:
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  • Seung-Yong Lee
  • M.S.: 2023. 3 ~ current
  • Interest: Computer Graphics, Geometric Modeling and Processing
  • Moon-Do Wang
  • M.S.: 2022. 9 ~ current
  • Interest: Virtual/Augmented Reality
  • E-mail:

  • Sung-Hyun Kwon
  • M.S.: 2023. 9 ~ current
  • Interest: Computer Graphics
  • Hyun-Suk Jung
  • Internship: 2024. 9 ~ current
  • Interest: Computer Graphics
  • E-mail:
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  • Sun-Ho Lee
  • Internship: 2022. 11 ~ current
  • Interest: Computer Graphics
  • E-mail:
  • Min-Young Kim
  • Internship: 2024. 3 ~ current
  • Interest: Computer Graphics
  • E-mail:
  • Nu-Ri Park
  • Internship: 2024. 3 ~ current
  • Interest: Computer Graphics
  • E-mail: