[2024] |
- Hae-Ju Park, Jae-Hyun Park, Ensoo Kang, Seung-Hyun Yoon, SungIn Choi,
"ALNet: Anthropometric Landmark Detection Using Geodesic Heatmap on 3D Human Scan",
- Seung-Yong Lee, Seong-Hyeon Kweon and Seung-Hyun Yoon,
"An Effective Method for Slicing Triangle Meshes Using a Freeform Curve",
Mathematics (SCIE), 12(10), doi.org/10.3390/math12101432, May 2024
[2023] |
- Hae-Do Hwang, Min-Chul Shin, Jieun Lee and Seung-Hyun Yoon,
"Effective Neurofeedback Training of Large Electroencephalogram Signals Using Serious Video Games,"
IEEE Access (SCIE), 11: 112175-112188; 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3322932, Oct. 2023
- Ji-Hye Moon, Yujin Ha, Sanghun Park, Myung-Soo Kim and Seung-Hyun Yoon,
"ROI Scissor: Interactive Segmentation of Feature Region of Interest in a Triangle Mesh",
Computer Graphics Forum (SCIE), 42(6), doi.org/10.1111/cgf.14803, April 2023
[2022] |
- Jung-Ho Park, Ji-Hye Moon, Sanghun Park and Seung-Hyun Yoon,
"GeoStamp: Detail Transfer Based on Mean Curvature Field",
Mathematics (SCIE), 10(3), 500; doi.org/10.3390/math10030500, Feb. 2022
[2021] |
- Yujin Ha, Jung-Ho Park and Seung-Hyun Yoon,
"Geodesic Hermite Spline Curve on Triangular Meshes",
Symmetry (SCIE), 13(10), 1936; doi:10.3390/sym13101936, Oct. 2021.
[2020] |
- Jung-Ho Park, Sanghun Park and Seung-Hyun Yoon,
"Parametric Blending of Hole Patches Based on Shape Difference",
Symmetry (SCIE), 12(11), 1759; doi:10.3390/sym12111759, Oct. 2020.
- Sang-Hyun Son, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Myung-Soo Kim and Gershon Elber,
"Efficient Minimum Distance Computation For Solid of Revolution",
Computer Graphics Forum (SCIE, Special Issue in Eurographics), 39(2): 535-544, 2020
[2019] |
- Yun-Ku Kang, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Min-Ho Kyung and Myung-Soo,
"Fast and Robust Computation of the Hausdorff Distance Between Triangle Mesh and Quad Mesh for Near-Zero Cases",
Computers & Graphics (SCIE), 81: 61-72, 2019
- Sangjun Han, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Myung-Soo Kim and Gershon Elber,
"Minkowski Sum Computation for Planar Freeform Geometric Models using G1-Biarc Approximation and Interior Disk Culling",
The Visual Computer (SCIE, Special Issue in Computer Graphics International), 35(3), doi:10.1007/s00371-019-01687-6, 2019
[2018] |
- Min-Chul Shin, Hae-Do Hwang, Seung-Hyun Yoon and Jieun Lee,
"Parametric Blending of Triangular Meshes",
Symmetry (SCIE), 10(11), 620; doi:10.3390/sym10110620, Nov. 2018.
- Yun-Ku Kang, Min-Ho Kyung, Seung-Hyun Yoon and Myung-Soo Kim,
"Fast and Robust Hausdorff Distance Computation from
Triangle Mesh to Quad Mesh in Near-Zero Cases", Computer Aided Geometric Design (SCI) 62: 91-103, April 2018 (Best Paper Award).
[2017] |
- Jongyong Kim, Cheongun Lee, Seung-Hyun Yoon and Sanghun Park,
"Tangible Visualization Table for Intuitive Data Display", Symmetry (SCIE), 9(12), 316; doi:10.3390/sym9120316, Dec. 2017.
- Seung-Hyun Yoon, John Lewis and Taehyun Rhee,
"Blending Face Details: Synthesizing Face Using Multi-Scale Displacements", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (SCI) 37(6): 65-75, Sept. 2017.
[2016] |
- Seung-Hyun Yoon, Ho-Won Kim, Tae-Joon Kim and Jieun Lee,
"Transferring Skin Weights to 3D Scanned Clothes¡±, ETRI Journal (SCI), 36(8): 1095-1103, Dec. 2016.
- Hae-Do Hwang and Seung-Hyun Yoon,
"Multilevel Editing of B-spline Curves with Robust Orientation of Details¡±, Symmetry (SCIE),8(11): 121; doi:10.3390/sym8110121, Nov. 2016.
- Seung-Hyun Yoon and Jieun Lee,
"Computing the Surface Area of Three-dimensional Scanned Human Data", Symmetry (SCIE), 8(7): 67; doi:10.3390/sym8070067, Jul. 2016.
- Gyuhyun Hwang, Seung-Hyun Yoon and Sanghun Park,
"Video-Based Weathering Gallery", Multimedia Tools and Applications (SCIE), 75(6): 3391-3407, Mar. 2016.
- Chang-Ki Lee, Hae-Do Hwang and Seung-Hyun Yoon,
"Bezier Triangles with G^2
Continuity Across Boundaries", Symmetry (SCIE), 8(3): 13; doi:10.3390/sym8030013, Mar. 2016.
[2011 ~ 2015] |
- Hae-Do Hwang and Seung-Hyun Yoon,
"Constructing Developable Surfaces by Wrapping Cones and Cylinders", Computer-Aided Design (SCI), 58(c): 230-235, Jan. 2015.
- Seung-Hyun Yoon,
"A Sweep Surface Based on Bivariate Motion", KSII
Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (SCIE), 8(3): 1026-1036, 2014.
- Yunjin Lee, Seung-Hyun Yoon and Junho Kim,
"Trivariate B-spline Approximation of Spherical Solid Objects", Journal
of Information Processing System (SCOPUS), 10(1): 23-35, 2014.
- Yong-Joon Kim, Young-Taek Oh, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Myung-Soo Kim and Gershon Elber,
"Efficient Hausdorff Distance Computation for Freeform Geometric Models in Close Proximity", Computer-Aided Design (SCI), 45(2): 270-276, Elsevier, 2013.
- Yong-Joon Kim, Young-Taek Oh, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Myung-Soo Kim and Gershon Elber,
"Coons BVH for Freeform Geometric Models", ACM Transaction on Graphics (SCI), 30(6): Article 169, 2011.
- Dae-Hyun Ko, Jieun Lee, Seong-Jae Lim and Seung-Hyun Yoon,
"Construction and Rendering of Trimmed Blending Surfaces with Sharp Features on a GPU", ETRI Journal (SCI) , 33(1): 89-98, Feb., 2011.
[2005 ~ 2010]
- Yong-Joon Kim, Young-Taek Oh, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Myung-Soo Kim and Gershon Elber,
"Precise Hausdorff Distance Computation for Planar Freeform Curves using Biarcs and Depth Buffer", The Visual Computer (SCIE), 26(6-8): 1007-1016, Springer-Verlag, June 2010.
- Jieun Lee, Myung-Soo Kim and Seung-Hyun Yoon,
"Patches: Character Skinning with Local Deformation Layer", Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (SCI), 20(2-3): 321-331, June 2009.
- Seung-Hyun Yoon, Chung-Kyu Lim and Myung-Soo Kim,
"Sweep-based Plausible Elastic Deformations", ETRI Journal (SCI) , 30(1): 152-154 , Feb. 2008.
- Seung-Hyun Yoon,
"A Surface Displaced From a Manifold ", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (SCIE), 4077: 677-686, July 2006.
- Seung-Hyun Yoon and Myung-Soo Kim,
"Sweep-based Freeform Deformations", Computer Graphics Forum (SCIE), 25(3): 487-496, September 2006.
- Jieun Lee, Seung-Hyun Yoon and Myung-Soo Kim,
"Realistic Human Hand Deformation", Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (SCI), 17(3-4): 479-489, Wiley, July 2006.
- Dae-Eun Hyun, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Jung-Woo Chang, Joon-Kyung Seong, Myung-Soo Kim, and Bert Juttler,
"Sweep-based Human Deformation", The Visual Computer (SCIE), 21(8-10): 542-550, Springer-Verlag, September 2005.
- Sang-Hyun Son, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Myung-Soo Kim and Gershon Elber,
"Efficient Minimum Distance Computation For Solid of Revolution",
In Proceeding of Eurographics 2020, pp. 535-544, 2020
- Jongyong Kim, Wung Seo, Insung Ihm, Seung-Hyun Yoon and Sanghun Park,
"XR Framework for Collaborating Remote Heterogeneous Devices",
In Proceeding of IEEE Conference on Vritual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshop (VRW), pp. 587-588, Mar. 2020
- Yun-Ku Kang, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Min-Ho Kyung and Myung-Soo Kim,
"Fast and Robust Computation of the Hausdorff Distance Between Triangle Mesh and Quad Mesh for Near-Zero Cases",
In Proceeding of CAD and Graphics 2019, pp. 62-71, June 2019
- Sangjun Han, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Myung-Soo Kim and Gershon Elber,
"Minkowski Sum Computation for Planar Freeform Geometric Models using G1-Biarc Approximation and Interior Disk Culling",
In Proceeding of Computer Graphics International 2019, June 2019
- Yun-Ku Kang, Min-Ho Kyung, Seung-Hyun Yoon and Myung-Soo Kim,
"Fast and Robust Hausdorff Distance Computation from
Triangle Mesh to Quad Mesh in Near-Zero Cases", In Proceeding of Geometric Modeling and Processing 2018, April 2018 (Best Paper Award).
- Yong-Joon Kim, Young-Taek Oh, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Myung-Soo Kim and Gershon Elber,
"Efficient Hausdorff Distance Computation for Freeform Geometric Models in Close Proximity", In Proceeding of Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling , 2012.
- Yong-Joon Kim, Young-Taek Oh, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Myung-Soo Kim and Gershon Elber,
"Coons BVH for Freeform Geometric Models", In Proceeding of SIGGRAPH ASIA , Vol. 30, No. 6, Article 169, 2011.
- Yong-Joon Kim, Young-Taek Oh, Seung-Hyun Yoon, Myung-Soo Kim, Gershon Elber,
"Precise Hausdorff Distance Computation for Planar Freeform Curves using Biarcs and Depth Buffer", In Proceeding of Computer Graphics International, pp. 1007-1016, June 2010.
- Jieun Lee, Myung-Soo Kim and Seung-Hyun Yoon,
"Patches: Character Skinning with Local Deformation Layer ", In Proceeding of Computer Animation and Social Agents, pp. 321-331, June 2009.
- Jieun Lee, Seung-Hyun Yoon and Myung-Soo Kim,
"Human Modeling and Deformation", In Proceeding of China-Korea Joint Conference on Geometric and Visual Computing & IJCC Workshop 2008, pp. 89-96, Aug. 2008.
- Jieun Lee, Seung-Hyun Yoon and Myung-Soo Kim,
"Realistic Human Hand Deformation", In Proceeding of Geometric Modeling and Computer Graphics 2007, pp. 42-46, Feb. 2007.
- Seung-Hyun Yoon,
"A Surface Displaced From a Manifold", In Proceeding of Geometric Modeling and Processing, pp. 677-686, July 2006.
- Seung-Hyun Yoon and Myung-Soo Kim,
"Sweep-based Freeform Deformations", In Proceeding of Eurographics, pp. 487-496, September 2006.
- Jieun Lee, Seung-Hyun Yoon and Myung-Soo Kim,
"Realistic Human Hand Deformation", In Proceeding of Computer Animation and Social Agents, pp. 479-489, July 2006.
À̽¿ë, À̼±È£, ¹ÚÁؼº, ½Å¹Îö, À±½ÂÇö
´ÙÁß Çǵå¹éÀ» Áö¿øÇÏ´Â ¸ôÀÔÇü ½º¸¶Æ® ¹ë·±½º º¸µå
30(3): 171-178, 2024³â 7¿ù.
¿Õ¹®µµ, À̽¿ë, ¹Ú»óÈÆ, À±½ÂÇö
AR°ú IoT ±â¼úÀ» ±â¹ÝÀ¸·Î ÇÑ °Ç¹° ÈÀç ¸ð´ÏÅ͸µ ¹× Å»Ãâ ³»ºñ°ÔÀÌ¼Ç ½Ã½ºÅÛ
30(3): 159-169, 2024³â 7¿ù.
±èÁ¾¿ë, ¼ÛÁ¾ÈÆ, Ȳ±ÔÇö, À±½ÂÇö, ¹Ú»óÈÆ,
È®ÀåÇö½Ç ½Ç°¨ ÄÜÅÙÃ÷ °³¹ßÀ» À§ÇÑ AMR º¼·ý µ¥ÀÌÅÍ º¯È¯
29(3): 105-115, 2023³â 7¿ù.
¹®ÁöÇý, ¹Ú»óÈÆ, À±½ÂÇö,
3D Magic Wand: Çϸð´Ð Çʵ带 ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ¸Þ½¬ ºÐÇÒ ±â¹ý
28(1): 1-9, 2022³â 3¿ù.
¹ÚÁ¤È£, ¹Ú»óÈÆ, À±½ÂÇö,
Çü»ó Â÷ÀÌ ±â¹Ý Ȧ ÆÐÄ¡ÀÇ ÆĶó¹ÌÆ®¸¯ ºí·»µù ±â¼ú,
26(3): 39-48, 2020³â 7¿ù.
±èÁ¾¿ë, ¹Úµ¿±Ù, Á¶ÁØ¿µ, ÀÌÇÊ¿¬, À±½ÂÇö, ¹Ú»óÈÆ
½Ç°¨Çü °¡»óÇö½Ç ½ÇÀüÈÆ·Ã ÄÜÅÙÃ÷¸¦ À§ÇÑ °ü¸® Æò°¡ ½Ã½ºÅÛ °³¹ß »ç·Ê ¿¬±¸,
26(3): 111-121, 2020³â 7¿ù.
±èÁ¾¿ë, ¼ÛÁ¾ÈÆ, ¹ÚÁ¤È£, ³²Àç½Â, À±½ÂÇö, ¹Ú»óÈÆ
ºö ÇÁ·ÎÁ§ÅÍ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ È¥ÇÕÇö½Ç È®Àå ½Ã½ºÅÛ : Beyond the Sight,
25(3): 65-73, 2019³â 6¿ù.
¹ÚÁ¤È£, ±èÁ¾¿ë, ¼ÛÁ¾ÈÆ, ¹Ú»óÈÆ, À±½ÂÇö,
ºí·»µå½¦ÀÔÀ» À§ÇÑ ´Ù¼ö »ï°¢ ¸Þ½¬ÀÇ µ¿½Ã ´Ü¼øÈ ±â¹ý,
25(3): 75-83, 2019³â 6¿ù.
½Å¹Îö, ȲÇصµ, À±½ÂÇö, ÀÌÁöÀº,
È¿°úÀûÀÎ ´º·ÎÇǵå¹é ÈÆ·ÃÀ» À§ÇÑ ÀÓ°è°ª ¼³Á¤ ±â¹ý,
25(2): 19-29, 2019³â 6¿ù.
- °À±±¸, À±½ÂÇö, °æ¹ÎÈ£, ±è¸í¼ö,
»ï°¢Çü ¸Þ½Ã¿Í »ç°¢Çü ¸Þ½Ã »çÀÌÀÇ ¿µ¿¡ °¡±î¿î ÇϿ콺µµ¸£ÇÁ °Å¸® °è»ê, Á¤º¸°úÇÐȸ³í¹®Áö, 46(2): 116-121, 2019³â 2¿ù.
- ±èÀºÁö, À±½ÂÇö, ÀÌÁöÀº,
GPU¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ Æ¯Â¡ ±â¹Ý ¿µ»ó¸ðÇÎÀÇ °¡¼ÓÈ, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ³í¹®Áö, 20(2): 13-24, 2014³â 6¿ù.
- ¿ÀÁ¾¼®, À±½ÂÇö,
ÇϿ콺µµ¸£ÇÁ °Å¸®¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ B-spline °î¼±ÀÇ ³´ Á¦°Å, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ³í¹®Áö, 17(3): 33-42, 2011³â 9¿ù.
- À±½ÂÇö, ÀÌÁöÀº,
2-º¯¼ö ¸ð¼Ç±â¹ÝÀÇ ½ºÀ¬°î¸é, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ³í¹®Áö, 17(1): 1-7, 2011³â 2¿ù.
- °í´ëÇö, À±½ÂÇö, ÀÌÁöÀº,
±×·¡ÇȽº Çϵå¿þ¾î¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ½ºÀ¬ °î¸éÀÇ ·»´õ¸µ, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ³í¹®Áö, 16(4): 11-16, 2010³â 12¿ù.
- ÀåÃ÷, À±½ÂÇö, ÀÌÁöÀº,
RMF¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ °èÃþÀû B-spline °î¼±ÀÇ ´Ù´Ü°è
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- À±½ÂÇö, ±è¸í¼ö,
´Ù¾çü ±â¹ÝÀÇ º¯À§°î¸é, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ³í¹®Áö, 12(1): 1-7, 2006³â 11¿ù.
- ÀÌÁöÀº, À±½ÂÇö, ±è¸í¼ö,
½ºÇöóÀÎÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ÀÎü ¼Õ Çü»ó º¯Çü, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ³í¹®Áö, 11(3): 1-9, 2005³â 9¿ù.
- À±½ÂÇö, ±è¸í¼ö,
½ºÀ¬±â¹Ý ÀÚÀ¯Çü»óº¯Çü, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ³í¹®Áö, 11(2): 40-46, 2005³â 6¿ù.
- À±½ÂÇö, Çö´ëÀº, ±è¸í¼ö,
3Â÷¿ø ÀÎüġ¼ö ÃøÁ¤°ú Çü»óº¯Çü±â¼ú, ÆмÇÁ¤º¸¿Í ±â¼ú, 1(1): 45-54, 2004³â 11¿ù.
- Çö´ëÀº, À±½ÂÇö, ¼ºÁØ°æ, ÀåÁ¤¿ì, ±è¸í¼ö, Bert. Juttler,
½ºÀ¬±â¹Ý ÀÎüÇü»ó ¸ðµ¨¸µ ¹× º¯Çü, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ³í¹®Áö, 10(2): 27-34, 2004³â 6¿ù.
- Çö´ëÀº, À±½ÂÇö, ±è¸í¼ö,
3Â÷¿ø ½ºÄµµ¥ÀÌÅͷκÎÅÍÀÇ ÀÎü ÆÈ, ´Ù¸®
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- ¹®ÁöÇý, Á¶¼ºÀÎ, ¹Ú»óÈÆ, À±½ÂÇö,
¸¶Ä¿ º¸Á¤ ±â¼úÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ AR Æ®·¡Å·, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ Çмú´ëȸ(Æ÷½ºÅÍ), 2022³â.
- ±èÁ¾¿ë, ¼ÛÁ¾ÈÆ, À±½ÂÇö, ¹Ú»óÈÆ,
È®ÀåÇö½Ç ÄÜÅÙÃ÷¸¦ À§ÇÑ AMR º¼·ý µ¥ÀÌÅÍ È°¿ë, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ Çмú´ëȸ(Æ÷½ºÅÍ), 2022³â.
- °À±±¸, À±½ÂÇö, °æ¹ÎÈ£, ±è¸í¼ö,
»ï°¢¸Þ½Ã¿Í »ç°¢¸Þ½Ã »çÀÌÀÇ ¿µ¿¡ °¡±î¿î ÇϿ콺µµ¸£ÇÁ °Å¸® °è»ê, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»ÅÍÁ¾ÇÕ Çмú´ëȸ, pp. 1421-1423,
2018³â. (Best Paper Award).
- ±è¿ëÁØ, ¿À¿µÅÃ, ÀÌÁöÀº, À±½ÂÇö, ±è¸í¼ö,
ÀÚÀ¯ Çü»ó¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ±âÇÏ¿¬»ê °¡¼Óȸ¦ À§ÇÑ ÀڷᱸÁ¶, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ Çмú´ëȸ, pp. 71-72, 2011³â 7¿ù.
- ±è¿ëÁØ, ¿À¿µÅÃ, À±½ÂÇö, ±è¸í¼ö, °Ô¸£¼ð ¿¦º¸
Æò¸é °î¼±µé °£ÀÇ Hausdorff °Å¸®°è»ê, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ Çмú´ëȸ, pp. 205-206, 2010³â 6¿ù.
- ÀÌÁöÀº, ÀÌÁ¤º¹, À±½ÂÇö,
3Â÷¿ø ÀÎüÇü»ó µ¥ÀÌÅÍÀÇ °î¸é º¹¿øÀ» ÅëÇÑ Ç¥¸éÀû ÃøÁ¤, Çѱ¹ÀÚ·áºÐ¼®ÇÐȸ Ãá°èÇмú´ëȸ,
pp. 257-226, 2009³â 4¿ù.
- À±½ÂÇö, ±è¸í¼ö,
´Ù¾çü ±â¹ÝÀÇ º¯À§°î¸é, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ ÇÏ°èÇмú´ëȸ, pp. 81-87, 2006³â 7¿ù.
- ÀÌÁöÀº, À±½ÂÇö, ±è¸í¼ö,
½ºÇöóÀÎ °î¸éÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ÀÎü ¼Õ Çü»ó º¯Çü, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ Ãß°èÇмú´ëȸ, pp. 7~15, 2005³â 11¿ù.
- À±½ÂÇö, ±è¸í¼ö,
½ºÀ¬±â¹Ý ÀÚÀ¯Çü»óº¯Çü, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ Ãá°èÇмú´ëȸ, pp. 83~89, 2005³â 5¿ù.
- Çö´ëÀº, À±½ÂÇö, ¼ºÁØ°æ, ÀåÁ¤¿ì, ±è¸í¼ö, Bert. Juttler,
½ºÀ¬±â¹Ý ÀÎüÇü»ó ¸ðµ¨¸µ ¹× º¯Çü, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ Ãá°èÇмú´ëȸ, pp. 93-100, 2004³â 4¿ù.
- Çö´ëÀº, À±½ÂÇö,
Ÿ¿øü °üÀýÀ» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ 3Â÷¿ø ij¸¯ÅÍÀÇ ÀÚ¿¬½º·¯¿î º¯Çü, KISS,
Special Interest Group On HCI 2004.
- Çö´ëÀº, À±½ÂÇö, ±è¸í¼ö,
Ÿ¿øü ±â¹Ý ÀÎü ÆÈ´Ù¸® Çü»ó º¹¿ø, Çѱ¹ÄÄÇ»Åͱ׷¡ÇȽºÇÐȸ Ãá°èÇмú´ëȸ, pp. 15-21, 2002³â 6¿ù.
- Seung-Hyun Yoon,
"Sweep-based Approach to Three-Dimensional Shape
Verlag Dr. Muller, May, 2008.